2024. 10. 03.
Dezső Kosztolányi Vuoi giocare con me? Vuoi essere, dimmi, la mia compagna di giochi, vuoi giocare sempre, sempre, vuoi che andiamo al buio insieme,…
2024. 10. 01.
Rékai Zsolt: Gesztus 60cm x 60cm Mi az ami nehezemre esik? Az esik nehezemre, hogy részletező leírásokat adjak és ne csak azt írjam le, amit fontosnak gondolok. Amit fontosnak gondolok…
2024. 09. 30.
HÉTFŐ, SZEPTEMBER 30.: CSILLAG A BÉRCEKEN... ...veszélyes pontokon. Talán érdemes: Bár kilenckor továbbra is a Pingvin lesz a főműsor az HBO3-on, én az ugyanakkor…
2024. 09. 30.
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.4.
After discovering the extraordinary capital of Romania, let's move forward to an utterly different world. I have always wanted to go to the Black Sea, and when it turned out that it lies only two hour…
2024. 09. 28.
SZOMBAT, SZEPTEMBER 28.: KNOXED OUT... ...for a second half life. Ajánlott: Duna TV, 21:25 – A Borsalino akkor is ide kerülne ha már lett volna (elvileg még nem v…
2024. 09. 27.
Quando ho aperto questo libro nella Feltrinelli, mi ha riportato subito nella mia infanzia, quando con i miei cugini giocavamo inventando storie complessissime, con personaggi elaboratissimi. Mi ricor…
2024. 09. 27.
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.3.
As I was writing before, there is also a park close to the Triumphal Arch, which is called Mihail Park after King Michael of Romania. He was the last king of the country who was forced by the communis…
2024. 09. 27.
My ‘unexpected journey’ in Romania vol.2.
Let’s leave the treasures of Orthodox churches and theology for a while, because I would like to guide you a bit to see the modern architecture of Bucharest. The features are indeed similar to Vie…
2024. 09. 18.
Attila Jozsef Misteri I misteri, se cantano, li sorveglio, come nelle favole. Mi hai infilato da capo a piedi in questa fedeltà pesante…