

Why haven't been Al Gore in Budapest / Hungary? Al Gore should speak about Global Climate Crisis in Budapest too.

Tartalom értékelése (0 vélemény alapján):
In Hungary a lot of people saw the Inconvenient Truth film, they read a book too. But a lot of people is not see the problems which are coming. They see Britney S. in the Tv and do nothing. They don't take actions. They don't believe these are big problems. The film was just fun for them. Where Al Gore made a live action - slide show , the people can understand that they have to take actions. The people in UK speak more times about global climate crisis than in Hungary because Al Gore was there. Al Gore has changed their mind in UK, but a film is not a live action. This is the cause why Al Gore should come to Budapest.

"Maybe YOU can talk about it until he gets there"
Maybe he knows more about Climate Crisis than me:)
I mean, we have a lot of university where you can learn about global warming and some big climate experts:

- Magyar Tudományos Akadémia (Dr. Csatári Bálint geográfus)
- Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Természettudományi Karának Meteorológiai Tanszéke, - (Takács-Sánta András)
- Pécsi Tudományegyetem,
- Env-In-Cent Környezetvédelmi Tanácsadó Iroda Kft.
- Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat (OMSZ) - (Dr. Mika János klimatológus, Schlanger Vera klimatológus)
- Vahava-projekt kutatói - (Láng István akadémikus)

but you know Al Gore is shape the world truely. And the people is focus to him. I think his first book ( 1992, Earth in the balance) has effected the people so much maybe not in the US. or not in the White House but in Europe.

Hungary not one coal fired power plant has, but yes probably China is a bigger problem.
About 30 Gas, coal Power Plant

- Mátravidéki Power plant 1947-1953 128 4 32 lignit
- Komlói power plant 1950-1952 7 1 7 barnaszén
- Tatabányai Erőmű 1950-1954 21 2 17,4 barnaszén
- Diósgyőri Keleti Erőmű 1951-1955 12 2 6 kohógáz, tüzelőolaj
- Dorogi Erőmű 1954-1955 3 1 3 barnaszén
- Dunai Vasmű Erőműve 1950-1956 84 5, 21 5, 16 barnaszén, barnagáz, kohógáz
- Inotai Hőerőmű (November 7. Erőmű) 1950-1954 120 6 21 barnaszén
- Tiszapalkonyai Hőerőmű 1952-1959 200 4 50 barnaszén, földgáz
- Borsodi Hőerőmű 1951-1957 200 8 5, 32 barnaszén
- Pécsi Hőerőmű 1955-1966 215 6 23, 30, 50 földgáz, biomassza (fa)[1]
- Ajkai Hőerőmű 1957-1962 100 3 33 barnaszén
- Oroszlányi Hőerőmű 1957-1963 200 4 52 barnaszén
- Dunamenti Hőerőmű I. 1960-1973 600 7 25, 21, 41
- Tatabányai Hőerőmű (Bánhida) 1963-1967 100 1 100 barnaszén
- Kispesti Fűtőerőmű 1965-1971 12 1 12 barnaszén
- Mátrai Erőmű (Gagarin) 1965-1973 800 5 100, 200 lignit, barnaszén
- Kelenföldi FIAT Gázturbina 1969-1972 32 1 32 gázolaj
- Inotai Gázturbinás Csúcserőmű 1971-1975 200 2 100 gázolaj
- Dunamenti Hőerőmű II-III. 1969-1976 1290 6 215 gudron, tüzelőolaj, földgáz
- Tiszai Hőerőmű 1971-1979 860 4 215 gudron, tüzelőolaj, földgáz
- Győri I. Fűtőerőmű
- fluidtüzelésű kazán 1984-1987 - 1 - barnaszén
- Dunamenti Gázturbinás
- hőhasznosító blokkok 1989-1998 385, 145,
- Kelenföldi Gázturbinás Erőmű 1990-1996 136 1 136 földgáz, gázolaj
- Gyorsindítású Gázturbinás
- Erőművek (Litér, Sajószöged) 1995-1998 240 2 120 gázolaj
- Lőrinci Gázturbinás Erőmű 1997-2000 150 1 150 gázolaj
- Csepeli Gázturbinás Erőmű 1995-2000 390 2 118, 136 földgáz, gázolaj
- Debreceni Kombinált Ciklusú Erőmű 1999-2000 99 1 99 földgáz
- Nyíregyházi Kombinált Ciklusú Erőmű 2006-2007 49 1 49 földgáz

When Al Gore will be elected in 2008 the USA can change rapidly Bush mistakes.. But China?? China will eat and drink us. What will happen when the Yellow River and other rivers in China will become desert?
They spent a lot of money to force his military. And russia sell to them the high-tech. 1300 millio people who want to drink - It will be a significant war.

"Maybe because Hungary ratified Kyoto and" - And?
Sorry but Kyoto is not more than a toilet paper or a normal degree.:)
In 2008 I will have 2 university degrees, and what for?:) Kyoto is better than nothing, but if China open a coal power plant in every 2 weeks, the kyoto will be just a joke. Kyoto is nothing for China. China ratified Kyoto like Hungary but China didn't do nothing. Just built more power plant. It will be a significant war.

Al Gore in Budapest / Hungary can teach how can we stop the deforestation in the whole world. We can think about with each other about India, China too. In Hungary a lot of people saw the Inconvenient truth film. But a lot of people is not see the problems which are coming.


